Written by Gael Masengi
Just months away from the 14th
Francophonie summit, to be held in Kinshasa, there is a significant increase
calls of boycott from pro-democracy Congolese activists to the IOF
(International Organisation of the Francophonie) to not organise the next
summit in the Democratic Republic of Congo citing political unrest and serious
human rights violations by the current regime.

Democracy, peace and human rights
protection are the key objectives the Secretary General of the organisation,
Abdou Diouf, highlighted during his address at the 19th annual of
United Nations Human Rights Counsel in Geneva. He emphasized on these issues
and reminded the country members that democracy and most of all human rights
should be the principles of the organisation, a call which human rights
activists say it’s has no effect to the Congolese government. The democratic
Republic of Congo has become a country where officials violate universal laws
whenever they want, the government kill, torture and arrest arbitrary members
of opposition, organising a summit which promote peace in a country where such
values are not respected will portray a bad image for the OIF.

Democratic Republic of Congo is not the rightful place to host any
international event under the kabila regime.” said
Jacky L. a political analyst “If the OIF
go ahead and organise the Summit there, not only it will contradict the
organisation’ so-called democratic status but it will also ruin its reputation.”
She said
One of the growing boycott calls is from a
Canada based Congolese activist, who started a hunger strike to raise awareness
about the human rights issues in the DRC. Like others, Frederick Mwenengabo is
asking the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper not to attend the
Francophonie Summit in Kinshasa this November.
Analysts believe that rejection of
elections results specifically in Africa have become ritual, therefore claims
are not taken seriously by the international community and despite the current
political situation in the DRC, it’s unlikely for the organisers to move the
summit to another country. Because by rewarding Kinshasa the rights to organise
the event, the OIF may already took in consideration all of these factors.
However, last summit (2010) was moved from Madagascar to Switzerland for the
very same reason, the OIF cited political instability after the disputed
presidential election but unlike Antananarivo, the situation in Kinshasa may
not look “too bad” and it’s not “too good” either, an eerie calm that should
worry the international community.
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